Building Strong Co-Parenting Relationships for Two Happy Homes

It is not rare to hear co-parents describing their relationship as unique or perfect, but it takes a lot of couples months or even years of working things out before they get to that point. There are many obstacles to building solid co-parenting relationships. The most common hurdles are:

  • Extreme emotions.
  • Poor communication.
  • An obsessive desire for revenge.
  • The inability to let go and move on.

It shouldn’t be this hard for you to give your children a normal childhood. It might be over with your ex, but it’s forever with your kids. You deserve a long life of happiness with them. Two Happy Homes strive to establish a lasting bond between you, your children, and even your ex to ensure you achieve this goal whether you are living together or not.

Tips for Building Strong Co-Parenting Relationships

The Kids Should Always Come First

Divorce or separation processes often leave couples emotionally drained. This heart-wrenching situation becomes even more unbearable when teams have to put on an act in front of their children for the sake of peace and their mental well-being.

However, the make-believe act only lasts for a short time. It is, therefore, essential to put the well-being of your children above your raging emotions for a happy ending. Your bitterness will not disappear just because you wish it. Sometimes these wounds take weeks or months to heal. But, each conscious effort you make to forgive your ex is a step towards happiness and normal childhood for your children.

Respect You Co-Parent

When couples are embroiled in a complicated web of negative emotions for each other, they often turn their children against their co-parents. By doing so, they establish a destructive behavioral pattern in their children, which they project to their spouses in the future. Moreover, the conflicts between parents often lead to mental issues in children, such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety.

It is, therefore, essential to learn to respect your co-parent despite your differences. Respecting your co-parent allows your children to feel the love of both parents and prevents emotional exploitation by others. Showing respect makes the co-parenting experience all the more fun and less excruciating.

Maintain Open Communication

Maintaining civilized verbal and non-verbal communication is necessary to establish a worthwhile relationship with your partner. Open communication reduces tension between you and your co-parent. They also go a long way in alleviating anxiety in children.

Before taking action, it is also essential to talk, agree and make shared decisions, especially regarding children’s issues. Sometimes co-parents get into intense arguments over small-shared responsibilities, such as drop-offs, because of a lack of communication. The tag of war over these responsibilities also plays a massive role in the mental derailment of your children. 

Building a robust co-parenting relationship will reduce depression, low self-esteem, and behavioral issues in your children. Don’t allow your children to have a bad childhood because things didn’t work out with your ex. They deserve better. Make conscious efforts to give them a better future by visiting Two Happy Homes today.